Ruling on the Nasheeds (Songs) – Shaykh al-Albaani

[53] Question: What is the ruling on the nasheeds (songs) that are circulating amongst many of the youth and which they call “Islaamic nasheeds?”


If these nasheeds possess Islaamic meanings, and there aren’t any stringed or musical instruments accompanying them, such as the Duff, the drum and its types, then there is no problem with it.

However, an important condition to its permissibility must be clarified. And it is that they must be free of anything that opposes the Religion, such as going to extremes and its sorts. Also, there is another condition.

And it is that it must not be taken as a (habitual) practice. This is since it turns those who (constantly) listen to it away from reciting the Qur’aan, which the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet encourages.

Likewise, it turns them away from seeking beneficial knowledge and calling towards Allaah (i.e. da’wah), the One free of all defects.

As for using the duff with the nasheed, then it is permissible for the women when it occurs (solely) amongst them, apart from the men. And it is permissible during the time of ‘Eed and marriage only.

[Al-Asaalah, Issue #2]

[62] Question: Many of the Muslim youth exchange and pass around tapes that have songs (nasheeds) on them, which they call Islaamic. What is the correct opinion on this matter?

Answer: If these songs (nasheeds) are void of stringed and musical instruments, then generally I say that there is no harm in them on the condition that they are free from things that are in opposition to the Religion, such as asking for help from other than Allaah (Istighaathah) and seeking a way of getting close to Allaah (tawassul) through the creation.

Also it is not permissible to take them as part of the Religion for this would turn the Muslim youth away from reciting the Book of their Lord and reflecting on it. And that is what Allaah’s Messenger, sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, urged us with in many authentic ahaadeeth, such as his saying: “Recite the Qur’aan and chant it (i.e. recite it in a nice melodious manner), before there comes a people that will rush through it and not take their time with it. So chant it (nicely).

And whoever reflects on the condition of the Companions, will find that they did not have the likes of these songs (nasheeds) in their lives, for they were men of realities and not men of entertainment.

[Al-Asaalah, Issue #17]

Fataawaa of Shaikh Al-Albaanee (rahimahullaah)
From Al-Asaalah Magazine Issues 1-21
Translated and Arranged by: Isma’eel Alarcon

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