Sunnah (supererogatory) Salah of Wudu – Imam Ibn Baz


(Part No. 11; Page No. 58)

27- Ruling on performing the Sunnah of Wudu’ during a time when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah

Q: Depending on the indication of the Hadith reported by Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him): Whenever I perform Wudu’ (ablution), I offer a two-Rak’ah (unit of Prayer) Salah after it) I sometimes perform Wudu’ during a time when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah, such as the times after the ‘Asr (Afternoon) Prayer, after the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer, or during sunset or sunrise. Will I be blamed if I perform the two Rak’ah Salah of Wudu then? May Allah reward you with the best!

A: Wudu’ is Mustahab (desirable) and offering Salah is Mustahab, so whenever a person performs Wudu’, it is recommended to pray the two-Rak’ah Salah of Wudu’ at any time, even during the times when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah, because the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

Whoever performs Wudu like this Wudu’ of mine and then prays a two-Rak’ah Salah without being distracted with worldly matters during them will have their previous sins forgiven.)”

This means that whenever he (peace be upon him) performed Wudu’, he would pray the two-Rak’ah Salah of Wudu’ and would encourage people to pray them, may Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon him. This Salah is called the Sunnah (supererogatory) Salah of Wudu’.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with praying this Salah during the time when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah, because it is a stressed Sunnah.

Q: A questioner from Bahrain asks: Is it permissible for me to offer Salah (Prayer) at the time when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah? For example, I may hasten to perform Wudu’ (ablution) and start reciting the Qur’an and supplication, especially on Fridays after the ‘Asr (Afternoon) Prayer, knowing that I do not perform Wudu’ for Salah, but I do it for supplication as mentioned.

A: If one performs Wudu’ during the time when it is not permissible to offer supererogatory Salah, one may offer the Sunnah (supererogatory act of worship) of Wudu’ (ablution), as there is no forbidden time for it. So, when performing Wudu’ after Fajr (Dawn) Prayer or after Asr Prayer, it is prescribed to offer two Rak ahs (unit of Prayer) as Sunnah of Wudu’. This applies to both males and females.

Similarly, when entering the Masjid after ‘Asr or Fajr Prayer, it is prescribed to offer two Rak’ahs as Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid (two-unit-Prayer to greet the mosque) and there is no restriction regarding the time of these ceremonial Salahs; it may be offered during the time when it is impermissible to offer supererogatory Salah.

The same equally applies to the Salat-ul-Kusuf (Prayer on a solar eclipse) when a solar eclipse takes place after ‘Asr Prayer. Muslims should perform Salat-ul-Kusuf, because this Salah is one of the ceremonial Salahs that are offered for specific reasons and there is no restriction imposed regarding the time when these Salahs are offered.

(Part No. 11; Page No. 61)

Thus, it is permissible to perform these ceremonial Salahs that are offered for specific reasons even during the time when it is impermissible to offer supererogatory Salah.

29- Ruling on postponing the Sunnah of Wudu’

Q: A female questioner says: Should the Sunnah (supererogatory Prayer) of Wudu’ (ablution) be offered immediately after Wudu’ or is it permissible to postpone it due to some affairs while holding the intention of performing it after finishing my work? Which of these two practices is better; to perform it immediately or postpone it until I finish my work? May Allah reward you with the best!

A: It is better to hasten to perform the two-Rak’ah (unit of Prayer) Salah (Prayer) immediately after Wudu’, and if a person is occupied with work and thus prays it after that, this is acceptable. Both cases are good, but it is better to perform the Salah immediately.

Source: English Translations of Collection of “Noor ala Al-Darb” Programs, Volume 11. By: Sheikh `Abdul `Aziz Bin `Abdullah ibn `AbdulRahman ibn Bazz (May Allah forgive and reward al-Firdouse to him and his parents). He was The Mufti of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of the Council of Senior Scholars, and Chairman of Department of Scholarly Research and Ifta’.

This English Translation is collected from, Portal of the general Presidency of Scholarly Research and Ifta’

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