If you hear a man Attacking or Rejecting the Narrations then doubt his Islam – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 79 : Point 135-136
 Shaykh Ahmad Najmee | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

[135] If you hear a man attacking the narrations (athaar) or rejecting the narrations or desiring some thing other than the narrations then have doubt about his Islam. And do not doubt that he is the person of Desires and Innovator.

[136] And know that Ruler’s oppression does not reduce or remove anything that Allaah has made obligatory upon the tongue of his prophet (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم). His oppression will be upon himself and your acts of obedience along with him will be complete if Allaah,the Most High,wills. Meaning, the congregational prayer and the jumu’ah prayer along with them and fighting jihaad along with them. And all acts of obedience accompany them in that , for you will have your intention.

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Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:

Meeting Allaah as a Major Sinner is beloved to me than meeting Him with the Sayings of the Deviated Sects – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 84 : Point 150C
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

Yūnus ibn ‘Ubayd saw his son come away from the company of a person of the innovated sects, so he said “O my son! where have you just come from?” He replied “from being with Amr ibn Ubayd“. He said “O my son! that I should see you coming out from the house of a Khunsaa (hermaphrodite, bisexual) would be more beloved to me than that I should see you coming out from the house of so-and-so.That you should meet Allaah, O my son, as a fornicator , a major sinner, a thief and a treacherous person would be more beloved to me than that you meet Him with the saying of the people of the deviant sects.”

Do you not see that the Yūnus ibn ‘Ubayd knew that the hermaphrodite would not misguide his son away from his religion whereas the innovator may lead him astray until he becomes a disbeliever.

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Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:

Don’t be Deceived with the Worship of the Innovator – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 84 : Point 150B
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you see a man striving hard upon worship (ibaadah), living a life of abstention from all worldly comforts consuming himself with worship but he is a person of the innovated sects then do not sit with him and do not listen to his speech and do not walk with him upon any path for I do not feel secure that you will not eventually come to regard his way as something pleasing and thus go to destruction along with him.

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Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:

Sitting with the Sinful is better than Sitting with an Innovator – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 83 : Point 150A
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you see a man whose manner and behavior is despicable such that he is wicked, sinful, a person of acts of disobedience and oppressor yet he is from the people of sunnah then keep company with him and sit with him since his sin will not harm you.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

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The one who Reviles the Companions actually Reviles the Prophet ﷺ – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 83 : Points 148-149
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

[148] Know that whoever speaks against anyone from the companions of Muhammad (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم), then know that he seeks really to attack Muhammad (صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم) and he has caused harm towards him in his grave.

[149] If some innovations become apparent to you from a person, then beware of him since what he conceals from you will be more than what he makes apparent.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

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Know that all of the Innovated Sects are Despicable – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 83 : Points 147
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

Know that all of the innovated sects are despicable, they all invite towards the sword. And the most despicable of them  and the ones who are most severe in disbelief are the Raafidah, the Mu’tazilah and the Jahmiyyah, since they push the people towards total negation (ta’teel) and heresy (zandaqa).

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:

The Qur’āniyyah (The Rejectors of Sunnah) – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 82 : Points 146
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you hear  a man to whom you bring a narration to, not wanting it and instead wanted the Qur’an (only) then do not doubt that he is a man who embraces heresy (zandaqa). So get up from him and leave him.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:

If you see  a Man sitting along with the People of Desires – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 82 : Points 145
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you see  a man sitting along with the people of desires (ahwaa) then beware of him and make him aware. And if then sits with them after knowing, then keep away from him, for he is a person of desires.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

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..Then know that he is a Person of the Sunnah – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 81 : Points 144
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you see a man having love for Abū Hurayrah, Anas ibn Mālik and Usayd ibn al-Hudayr (radi Allaahu anhum) then know that he is a person of the Sunnah, if Allaah wills. And if you see a man having love for Ayyūb, Ibn Awn, Yūnus bin Ubayd, Abdullāh ibn Idrīs al-Awdī, ash-Sha’bī, Mālik ibn Mighwal, Yazīd bin Zuray, Mu’ādh bin Mu’ādh, Wahb bin Jarīr, Hammād bin Salamah, Hammād bin Zayd, Mālik ibn Anas, al-Awzā’i, and Zā’idah bin Qudāmah, then know that he is a person of the Sunnah. And if you see   a man having love for Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Hajjāj ibn al-Minhāl, Ahmad ibn Nasr – and who speaks favorably about them and holds their sayings, then know that he is a person of the Sunnah.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:

The Statements of Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubaarak regarding people who seek after Concessions – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 81 : Points 143
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubaarak (rahimahullaahu ta’ala) said: Do not take anything from the people of Koofah with respect to the views of the Raafidah nor anything from the people of Sham with respect to the sword, nor anything from the people of Al-Basra with respect to pre-decree (Al-Qadar), nor anything from the people of Khurasaan with respect to Irjaa, nor anything from the people of Makkah with respect to money changing (currency exchange), nor from the people of Al-Madeenah with respect to singing, do not take anything from them with respect to these.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Linkhttps://abdurrahman.org/innovated-groups-sects

Rāfidī, Nāsibī, Jahmī, Khārijī, Mu’tazilī, Qadarī – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 80 : Points 142
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you hear a man saying “so and so is a Nāsibī” then know that he (who said it) is a Rāfidī and if you hear a man saying “so and so is a Mushabbih and so and so speaks with Tashbeeh” then know that he, the one who say it, is a Jahmī and if you hear  a man saying “speak with Tawheed and explain Tawheed to me”  then know that he is a Khārijī, a Mu’tazilī or if he says so and so is a Mujbir or he speaks with Ijbar or he speaks about Justice (Al-Adl) then know that he is  a Qadarī (Qadariyyah) because these names are novelties newly invented by the people of innovations.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:


Don’t think of a Muslim except good unless he displays something contrary – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 80 : Points 141
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

The blameless person is the one whose blamelessness is apparent and the dishonorable one is the one whose dishonor has become apparent

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree


The Lawful is clear and the Unlawful is clear, but between them are certain Doubtful things – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 80 : Points 140
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

The lawful is that which you would witness and swear to be lawful, likewise the prohibited (haraam). That which causes uneasiness in your heart is something doubtful [1].


[1] An-Nu’maan ibn Basheer said: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,

“What is lawful is clear and what is unlawful is clear, but between them are certain doubtful things which many people do not know. So he who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and his honour blameless. But he who falls into doubtful things falls into that which is unlawful, just as a shepherd who grazes his cattle in the vicinity of a pasture declared prohibited (by the king); he is likely to stray into the pasture. Mind you, every king has a protected pasture and Allah’s involved limits is that which He has declared unlawful. Verily, there is a piece of flesh in the body, if it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. Verily, it is the heart.”

Reported by al-Bukhaaree (Eng. trans. 1/44/no.49) and Muslim (Eng. trans. 3/840/no.3882).

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links: https://abdurrahman.org/sins

Being constant upon performing the obligatory prayers in congregation – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 79 : Points 139
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you see a man being constant upon performing the obligatory prayers in congregation, with the ruler or other than him, then know that he is a person of the Sunnah,if Allah,the Most High, wills. If you see a man neglecting the obligatory payers in congregation, even with the ruler, then know that he is a person of desires.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

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Deviant groups like Mu’tazilah and Khawarij declares the rulers and others as disbelievers because of sin (less than Shirk) and abandons congregational prayer with them

Do not say anything about any of the Mothers of the Believers except good – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 79 : Points 138
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

Do not say anything about any of the Mothers of the Believers [1] (radi Allaahu anhunna) except good


[1] This is the term of respect used for all the wives of the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam). This is how they have been termed in Soorah al-Ahzaab, Aayah number 6.

النَّبِيُّ أَوْلَىٰ بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ

The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are their (believers’) mothers (as regards respect and marriage). (Qur’aan 33:6)

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links: 

If you see a man making supplication against the ruler, then know that he is a person of desires – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 79 : Points 137
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you see a man making supplication against the ruler, then know that he is a person of desires. If you see a man a making supplication in favor of the ruler for him to be sound and righteous, the know that he is a person of the Sunnah, if Allah wills.

Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad [1] said, “If I had a supplication that was going to be answered, I would make it for the ruler.” It was said to him, “O Abu ‘Alee, explain this to us.” He said, “If I were to make it for myself, then it will not extend beyond me. But, if I made it for the ruler, then he will be corrected and, through that, the servants and the land will be set in order” [2].

So we are commanded to make supplication for them (the rulers) to be sound and righteous. And we have not been commanded to make supplication against them, even if they commit tyranny and oppression, since their tyranny and oppression will be only upon themselves, but their rectitude will be good for themselves and for the Muslims.


[1] Al-Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad ibn Mas’ood, Shaikhul-Islam, Abu ‘Alee, alYarboo’ee, al-Khurasaanee. He was born in Samarqand and grew up to be a highway robber. However, his heart was moved upon hearing the Qur’an recited and he repented and then travelled in search of knowledge to Koofah, eventually settling in Makkah. Some of his students were Ibn al-Mubaarak, Yahyaa al-Qattaan, ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Mahdee, ‘Abdur-Razzaaq, ash-Shaafi’ee and Qutaibah ibn Sa’eed. Ibn al-Mubaarak said, “No one better than Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad remains upon the face of the earth.” Haaroon ar-Rasheed said, “I have not seen any scholar with greater dignity than Maalik, nor anyone more pious than al-Fudayl.” As-Siyaar (8/421-441) and Tadhkiratul-Huffaadh (1/245-246) of adh-Dhahabee.

[2] This narration is reported by Abu Nu’aym in al-Hilyah (8/91) with a saheeh isnaad and by al-Khallaal in as-Sunnah (no.9).

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Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Link: Muslim Rulers – https://abdurrahman.org/rulers

Do not speak about the Companions except good – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 78 : Points 134
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

If you see a man criticizing anyone from the Companions of  Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam), then know that he is a follower of desires and a person of evil speech because of the saying of Allaah’s  Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam), “When my Companions are mentioned then withhold”

The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) knew of any slips that they were going to make after his death, yet still he did not say about them except good. And his saying , “Leave my Companions and do not say about them anything except good”

Do not discuss anything from their slips or their wars, nor that which you do not have knowledge of. Do not listen to it  from anyone who speaks with it, for  your heart will not be secure if you listen to it.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Link: 

There is No Marriage without a Guardian – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 78 : Points 133
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

Whichever woman gives herself away in marriage to a man, then she will not be permissible for him. They are both to be punished if he has violated her, unless the marriage is performed with a guardian (walee), two just witnesses and a dower (sadaaq[1].


[1] The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said,

“ There is no marriage without a guardian (walee).”

[Reported by Ahmad, Abu Daawood (Eng. trans. 2/558/no.2080) and at-Tirmidhee.]

Ibn ‘Abaas (radiallaahu anhu) said,

“There is no marriage except with a guardian advising and two just witnesses.”

[Reported by al-Baihaqee, ash-Shaafi’ee in his Musnad and al-Baghaawee in Sharhus-Sunnah (9/45).]

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Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:

Hidden Inner knowledge (ilmul-Baatin) is Innovation and Misguidance – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 77 : Points 132
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

Every Knowledge which worshippers claim to be from hidden inner knowledge (‘Ilmul-Baatin) which is not found in the Book and the Sunnah, then it  is innovation and misguidance. It is not to be acted upon by anyone nor called to [1].


[1] This is what the extreme innovators, amongst them the Baatinees and extreme Soofees, call to. They explain things away by claiming that they have an outer aspect and an inner aspect. They twist the Book of Allah and His Sharee’ah to suit their own desires. Their claim of receiving hidden religious knowledge, outside of the Book and the Sunnah, is disbelief.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree

Related Links:

The blameless Muslim is the one from whom nothing suspicious becomes apparent – Sharh as-Sunnah | Dawud Burbank [Audio|En]


Sharh as-Sunnah : Lesson 77 : Points 131
Shaykh Fawzan | Dawud Burbank [Audio|English]

Imaam Barbahaaree rahimahullaah said:

The blameless one from the Muslims is the one from whom nothing suspicious becomes apparent.

[Souncloud Audio Link

Allaah says:

“O you who believe, avoid much (types) of suspicion. Verily some (forms) of suspicion is a sin.” [Surah Al-Hujuraat: 12]

And Abu Hurairah (radhi Allaahu anhu) reported that Allaah’s Messenger (sall Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

Beware of suspicion, for indeed suspicion is the most untruthful form of speech.” [Saheeh – Reported by Al-Bukhaaree (10/484 of al-Fath) and Muslim (2563)]

The ahaadeeth with this same understanding I have mentioned here are many. What the backbiting of the heart means, is: When the heart has firm conviction and holds bad thoughts about someone. But as for the notions that occasionally display in one’s mind or when one talks to himself, then as long as these thoughts do not remain established and continuous in him, it is excused according to the consensus of the scholars. This is since he has no choice in the matter as to stop it from occurring nor can he find any way to liberate himself from it when it does occur. This is the understanding of what has been authentically established (in the texts).


Ithaaful-Qaaree bit-Ta`leeqaat `alaa Sharhis-Sunnah
(A Gift To The Reader In Annotation Of Sharh As-Sunnah)
by Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan
Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood Burbank, rahimahullaah

Posted with kind permission from Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

Listen to the full Audio Series of Sharhus Sunnah
Sharh-us-Sunnah – Shaykh Saalih Fawzaan – Dawood Burbank [Audio|En]

Visit : Book Study of Sharh as-Sunnah of Imaam Barbahaaree